Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not Getting Enough Sleep Can Make You Fat

A recent study from the University of Chicago Medical Center found that "adults who got five and a half hours of shut-eye ate 221 more calories from snack foods than those who slept for eight and a half hours. They also took in a higher percentage of those calories from refined carbs." So while getting enough sleep might not cause you to eat bigger meals, the end result is higher calories in the form of poorly chosen snacks. Stephanie Clark, R.D. says, "If you're exhausted, your body will crave carbs to replenish its energy reserves." If you know you aren't getting enough sleep, or know you are going to be stressed out in the near future, arm yourself with healthy, low-calorie snacks. Some ideas would include sliced fruit, lowfat yogurt, sliced veggies, granola bars, etc.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Startling Statistics

86% of Americans could be overweight or obese by the year 2030! Health care spending could ring in at $957 billion, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Don't be part of that 86%! Eat whole, unprocessed foods, exercise regularly (wear a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps per day) and teach your children to live an active lifestyle by modeling that lifestyle for them.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yoga Sandals

Have you heard about yoga sandals? Most yoga sandal retailers claim that they provide relief from leg, hip and spinal discomfort along with foot and back pain. While no scientific evidence has backed up these claims, a "Google search reveals numerous testimonials to the benefits" of these types of sandals. The testimonials show a reduction in leg and back pain, and some wearers experienced a massaging effect from the toe separators.

Source: ACE Fitness Matters Jan/Feb 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Brown Bag It

Want an easy way to save money AND cut calories? Pack your own lunch! Kerry Neville, R.D. says, "Making meals gives you control over fat and calories. Little things can add up. For instance, a typical takeout sandwich has about 200 calories worth of mayonaisse. Make it at home using a tablespoon of light mayo and you'll cut 150 calories." Harry Balzer, vice president of the NPD group estimates you could save $1,000 per year by brown-bagging it. Get creative...make a sandwich or salad one day and bring leftovers the next. Your waistline and your wallet will thank you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Online Exercise Library

In December, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) launched a new online exercise library that is available for fitness professionals AND the general public. You can visit the site ( to find integrated and total body workouts, as well as instructions on how to progress from beginner all the way to advanced programs. You can even search for exercises based on which muscle group you want to work, what level you are at, and/or exercises that use certain types of equipment (e.g., dumbbells, stability ball, TRX, barbell, BOSU, resistance bands, etc.) The library also points out common mistakes people make and easy ways to correct your form. Check it out to change up your workout!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Athlete's Guide to Yoga: A Review

The Athlete's Guide to Yoga: An Integrated Approach to Strength, Flexibility & Focus by Sage Rountree is a comprehensive book on yoga for athletes and also includes a 15 minute DVD. Sage says that "yoga will make you a better athlete." The book is divided into four parts and includes high-quality photos to accompany the poses explained. The author also includes specific training plans and routines for athletes. This book is a terrific resource for athletes who want to improve their performance!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fruit of the Month

Pears are our in-season fruit choice of the month. One pear will provide 103 calories, 6 g fiber, 212 mg potassium, and 8mg Vitamin C!

Select the right pear for the occasion:
  • Bosc - ideal for pies, poaching, and crisps due to its firm flesh

  • Anjou - eat raw or cooked (this pear has a semifirm texture and a mellow flavor)

  • Bartlett - this variety is ultra-juicy and super-sweet, works well in salads

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kids & Physical Activity

A typical American child spends 4-5 hours per day watching TV, playing video games, or using the computer. Almost 1 in 4 children do not participate in ANY free-time physical activity.

For more information and tips for getting your children more active, check out

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Get Inspired to Realize Your Dreams!

The following is taken word for word from a weekly newsletter by Cheryl Richardson:

Before March rolls around and I start receiving calls for interviews from magazines working on spring stories related to sticking with New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd offer you a little shot of inspiration early this year. It's from a story I shared in 2007 that spawned a great list of ways to stay motivated.

A group of friends invited me to see the movie "Dreamgirls," staring Eddie Murhpy, Jamie Foxx, Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Hudson (who is amazing!). During the movie I was so moved, that I found myself thinking: "I need to do this more often. I need to put myself in places where I have a chance to experience this kind of 'visceral inspiration,' - a strong emotional reaction that lifts me up, takes me to new places in my mind, ignites my creativity, and gives me a first-hand experience of what it looks and feels like to channel Divine Creative Expression." I left the movie thinking about inspiration and the role it plays in keeping us motivated to achieve our most heart-felt goals.

I'm sure you've had a similar experience where you find yourself deeply influenced by a theater performance, a great song, or the stunning beauty of visual art, only to be transported to another place that connects you to your highest potential. You might see a powerful character in a movie who encourages you to keep taking the acting class you finally signed up for last month. Or, you might read the biography of a great athlete who renews your commitment to keep going to the gym. It's the energy of inspiration that can be used as divine fuel that keeps us moving in the right direction.

So, what inspires you to keep pursuing your dreams? Here are a few examples from members of our community:
From an artist: a visit to my favorite museum
From a writer: a long walk on the beach
From a mom: seeing my daughter in a piano recital
From a daily exerciser: listening to a playlist of my favorite music
From a dancer: watching a dvd of my own dance performances

This year, why not make a deliberate attempt to fuel your goals, resolutions, or dreams with regular inspiration - starting now? Don't wait until you lose steam. Make a list of the things that inspire you and resolve to have one experience every week. If music, movies, books, or great conversations provide you with inspiration, you might even make it a daily habit - they're easy to incorporate into your day.

When thinking about inspiration, keep this in mind:
Inspiration = Motivation and Motivation = Realized Dreams

Click here for other things people do to stay inspired. For more great ideas from her, check out and sign up for her weekly newsletter.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Get Help for Depression

29% of Americans with depression haven't seen a therapist in the last year. If you are suffering from depression and don't know where to turn, check out to find a psychologist in your area.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Got Chronic Neck & Shoulder Pain?

A recent study in Arthritis Care & Research found that you can decrease chronic neck and shoulder pain by 79% by performing regular upper body strengthening exercises. You can check out for a few exercises to help increase strength and decrease pain.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Write it Down to Lose the Weight

Researchers at Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research say, "simply jotting down meals and snacks on a Post-it or texting yourself a list of what you eat encourages you to take in fewer calories by forcing you to reflect on how much you are consuming." The researchers found that people who kept a food journal lost about 13 pounds in 6 months (compared to an average of 7.5 pounds for those who didn't write down what they ate).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Stay Safe on the Road

Check out to help you avoid getting into an auto accident. Once at the site, enter and address or the name of a city and an interactive map will help identify accident-prone locations by showing where fatal car crashes have taken place. The site is also helpful for runners, walkers or bikers, because it shows where pedestrians have been hit too!