Monday, July 20, 2009

Easy Swaps to Lower Cholesterol

To lower your cholesterol, try these instead of these...

Use..............................................Instead of:
Flavored olive oil.......................Buttering bread
Flaxseed oil...............................Melting butter for popcorn
Applesauce/prune butter.......Baking with butter or oil
Walnut oil.................................Cheese sauce over veggies

Other ways to lower cholesterol without drugs:
  1. Red yeast extract - lowers cholesterol as much as statin
  2. Niacin - boosts HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL (bad cholesterol)
  3. Fish oil - AHA recommends 2-4 grams/day
  4. Glucomanann - 5-10 grams/day
  5. Sytrinol - reduces total cholesterol by 20-30% according to Alternative Therapies journal
  6. Fucothin - boosts metabolism to lose weight (especially in belly) and decrease blood pressure

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