Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Easy Swaps to Lower Cholesterol

To lower your cholesterol, try these instead of these...

Use..............................................Instead of:
Flavored olive oil.......................Buttering bread
Flaxseed oil...............................Melting butter for popcorn
Applesauce/prune butter.......Baking with butter or oil
Walnut oil.................................Cheese sauce over veggies

Other ways to lower cholesterol without drugs:
  1. Red yeast extract - lowers cholesterol as much as statin
  2. Niacin - boosts HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL (bad cholesterol)
  3. Fish oil - AHA recommends 2-4 grams/day
  4. Glucomanann - 5-10 grams/day
  5. Sytrinol - reduces total cholesterol by 20-30% according to Alternative Therapies journal
  6. Fucothin - boosts metabolism to lose weight (especially in belly) and decrease blood pressure

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is Your Artificial Sweetener Making You Fat?

A new study published by the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health suggests that consuming Splenda causes weight gain and decreases health intestinal flora.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Veggie of the Month

No matter how you prepare it, spinach does a body good. One cup of spinach (cooked, boiled, drained) has a measly 41 calories, yet provides 987% of the DRI for Vitamin K! It also has 66% the DRI for folate and 49% the DRI for magnesium, not to mention 34% the DRI for Vitamin B6, 23% the DRI for Vitamin C, and 17% the DRI for fiber.

Vitamin K is essential for bone health and blood clotting. Research also shows it may decrease inflammation (helpful for arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Contaminated Bottled Water

Bottled water costs 2,000 times more than tap water, but is it worth the extra price tag? The answer may surprise you. The Environmental Working Group recently released a report that found "38 different contaminants in 10 brands of bottled drinking water, including bacteria, acetaminophen, fertilizers, solvents, plastic-making chemicals, and the radioactive element strontium."

Skip the bottled water and get a filter for your tap. Besides, 40% of all bottled water is actually tap water! A water filter is key for tap water, as recent studies have found pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, sex hormones and antidepressants) in the water of 24 major US cities. To remove heavy metals, drugs, and other chemicals from your water, look into getting a reverse-osmosis or nanofiltration system.

Source: Natural Solutions

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fruit of the Month

Summer is around the corner and the kiwi is calling your name! This deliciously tart yet sweet fruit packs a whopping 219% of the DRI (daily reference intake) for Vitamin C and 21% of the DRI for fiber, with only 108 calories and under 1 g of fat per cup (approximately 2 large kiwis).

Fun fact: Kiwi actually originated in China during the 14th century, where it was called the gooseberry. It was renamed when New Zealand started producing it commercially.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Two Eggs a Day...

A recent study in the International Journal of Obesity found that "eating 2 eggs a day for breakfast helps you lose 65% more weight and gain more energy than a bagel of equal calories." Eggs give you lots of protein with a small amount of calories, and since protein makes you feel satisfied quicker and longer than carbs - it makes sense to eat eggs for breakfast. The yolk of the egg is high in cholesterol but also contains about 40% of the egg's protein (as well as antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein which are important for preventing macular degeneration). So if you don't have a history of high cholesterol, two eggs a day won't likely hurt you. Just watch what you are eating with those eggs...sausage, bacon, home fries, butter or grease are items to stay away from. Instead, pair eggs with fruit, whole-wheat toast or yogurt and cook your eggs in olive or canola oil.

Source: Natural Solutions