Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Great Reason to Drink Cocoa

"A new study from the Yale School of Medicine found that people who sipped 2 cups of sugar-free cocoa daily improved blood flow by 5% and cut their blood pressure by 3-4 points, which can lower their cardiovascular disease risk. Skip packets with added sugar; the sweetener raises insulin and restricts blood flow, say researchers, limiting the benefits you'd get from the antioxidants in cocoa."

Source: Shape

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Preventing Alzheimer's

Beth Reardon, R.D, an integrative nutritionist at Duke Integrative Medicine says, " Alzheimer's begins when a protein in the brain, called CD40, sends out stress signals trigerring an inflammatory response that ultimately kill brain cells." A new study from the University of Illinois found that green peppers and celery are packed with a flavonoid called luteolin. Luteolin diminishes CD40's signals and inhibits inflammation in the brain, which protects the cells from dying.

Source: Natural Solutions

Monday, March 9, 2009

Improve Your Posture

iPosture is a new device that can help improve your posture. The device (found at http://www.iposture.com/) is just bigger than a bottle cap and can worn on your bra, shirt, pendant, or directly on your chest. You record your posture sitting up nice and tall and throughout the day it will vibrate when you slouch for a minute or more. iPosture retails at $64.95 and it can help decrease pain from poor posture. It also helps you make good posture a part of your daily routine. Eventually, it will come naturally and you won't need the device.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trans Fats = Colon Cancer

"New research from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill links high trans fat intake with increased growth of polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer. Study participants who ate 6.5 grams of trans fats daily were 86 percent more likely to have polyps than those who took in only half that amount."

Source: Natural Solutions