Thursday, November 20, 2008

Too Stressed To Sleep?

Use these tips to get a better night's sleep:
  • Do regular cardiovascular exercise - studies have shown that people who do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (e.g., cycling, brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc.) at least 4 times per week slept better than people who don't work out.
  • Clear your mind - release your feelings or worries in writing for 20 minutes before you go to sleep. Doing this will help decrease your stress levels and allow for a more restful sleep.
  • Schedule a bath - after a bath, your body cools down, which makes you drowsy.
  • Use aromatherapy - essential oil of lavender has been shown to significantly increase deep/slow-wave sleep (the most restorative phase of sleep).
  • Turn off the TV (and turn on some mellow music) - TV is a stimulant and the light cues your body clock to stay awake. Additionally, negative images and violence on TV increase anxiety and tension. On the other hand, mellow music has a soothing response on the body and mind.
  • Make love in bed - having sex releases endorphins and oxytocin in the brain. These chemicals calm you and promote sleep.
  • Use visualization - stop counting sheep! Instead, imagine a tranquil scene, like a waterfall or a sunny beach. In an Oxford University study, subjects who used visualization fell asleep 20 minutes sooner than usual.

Source: Caring Today magazine

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